World Championship
Female wrestling Juniors
2000-07-04 Nantes (FRA)
50.0 kg
Rushton Prickett, Lindsay (CAN) CAN
Round Red Blue Class. points Tech. points Time
3 Matkowska, Iwona Nina (POL) Rushton Prickett, Lindsay (CAN) PP 3 : 1 (0:0) 6 : 506:00
2 Goushina, Natalia (RUS) Rushton Prickett, Lindsay (CAN) TO 4 : 0 (0:0) 7 : 003:33
1 Rushton Prickett, Lindsay (CAN) Porroni, Claudia (ITA) TO 4 : 0 (0:0) 9 : 905:11