Coppola, Thomas (GBR) GBR
Date of birth: 1973-05-08
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 82 kg
Club: Ring Lotta;Chiavari
Coach: Claudio Bafico;1983
Profession: student
active since: 1983

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
2000-04-06 European Championship Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 19.
2000-03-11 Olympic Qualification Tournament Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 13.
2000-02-26 Olympic Qualification Tournament Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 17.
2000-02-12 Olympic Qualification Tournament Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 16.
2000-01-29 Olympic Qualification Tournament Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 23.
1999-11-19 Championship of Small European Countries Freestyle Seniors 76.0 SCO 2.
1999-10-07 World Championship Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 30.
1999-04-15 European Championship Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 9.
1998-09-07 World Championship Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 11.
1998-04-10 FILA Test Tournament Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 4.
1997-08-29 World Championship Freestyle Seniors 76.0 GBR 29.
1995-08-10 World Championship Freestyle Seniors 74.0 GBR 23.
1994-08-24 World Championship Freestyle Seniors 74.0 GBR 11.

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Peicov, Victor
Saitiev, Bouvaisa
Tumenulzu, Munkhbayar
Verkushin, Valeri