Combrinck, Jan Louwrens (RSA) RSA
Date of birth: 1995-04-20
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 59 kg

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
2018-04-12 Commonwealth Games Freestyle Seniors 57.0 RSA 5.
2018-02-07 African Championship Freestyle Seniors 57.0 RSA 1.
2017-12-15 Commonwealth Championship Freestyle Seniors 57.0 RSA 2.
2017-04-30 African Championship Freestyle Seniors 61.0 RSA 8.
2015-09-16 All African Games Greco-Roman Seniors 59.0 RSA 2.
2015-08-11 World Championship Greco-Roman Juniors 60.0 RSA 13.
2015-07-11 Grand Prix of Spain Greco-Roman Seniors 59.0 RSA 14.
2015-05-27 African Championship Greco-Roman Seniors 59.0 RSA 3.
2015-05-27 African Championship Greco-Roman Juniors 60.0 RSA 2.
2014-05-22 African Championship Greco-Roman Juniors 60.0 RSA 3.
2013-12-05 Commonwealth Championship Greco-Roman Seniors 60.0 RSA 3.
2012-08-21 World Championship Freestyle Cadets 58.0 RSA 8.
2012-06-14 African Championship Freestyle Cadets 57.0 RSA 1.
2010-04-22 African Championship Greco-Roman Cadets 46.0 RSA 2.
