Pavlovets Tychina, Lyudmila (UKR) UKR
Date of birth: 1994-09-04

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
2024-09-21 WWS - St-Laurent-du-Var Beach Wrestling Beach Wrestling Seniors W +70.0 UKR 3.
2023-10-14 Beach Wrestling Series Beach Wrestling Seniors W+70.0 UKR 2.
2023-09-07 Beach Wrestling Series Beach Wrestling Seniors W +70.0 UKR 3.
2023-04-17 European Championship Female wrestling Seniors 72.0 UKR 5.
2022-07-01 WWS - St-Laurent-du-Var Beach Wrestling Beach Wrestling Seniors W+70.0 UKR 2.
2022-05-28 WWS - Sarigerme Beach Wrestling Beach Wrestling Seniors W +70.0 UKR 6.
2021-02-26 International Ukrainian Tournament Female wrestling Seniors 76.0 UKR 14.
2020-10-17 National Cup of Ukraine Female wrestling Seniors 76.0 UKR 3.
2016-02-18 Alexander Medved Prizes Female wrestling Seniors 75.0 UKR 3.
2016-02-11 International Ukrainian Tournament Female wrestling Seniors 75.0 UKR 3.
2015-07-24 Poland Open Female wrestling Seniors 69.0 UKR 16.
2015-03-24 European Championship Female wrestling U23 75.0 UKR 8.
2013-07-04 European Championship Female wrestling Juniors 72.0 UKR 3.

Alieva, Sabira
Nemeth, Zsanett 
Urbanowicz, Anna