Bulatov, Dyulustan (RUS) RUS
Date of birth: 0000-00-00

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
2019-05-16 President Cup of Buryatia Republic Freestyle Seniors 65.0 RUS 5.
2018-12-07 Alany Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 RUS 24.
2018-11-23 International D. A. Kunaev Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 RUS 10.
2018-10-11 Vladimir Semenov Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 RUS 11.
2018-09-05 Dmitri Korkin Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 RUS 17.
2018-05-10 Ali Aliev Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 RUS 10.
2017-09-30 Dmitri Korkin Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 RUS 2.
2017-03-11 President Cup of Buryatia Republic Freestyle Seniors 61.0 RUS 11.
2017-01-27 Ivan Yarygin Grand Prix Freestyle Seniors 61.0 RUS 30.
2016-03-11 President Cup of Buryatia Republic Freestyle Seniors 61.0 RUS 5.
2015-03-14 President Cup of Buryatia Republic Freestyle Seniors 61.0 RUS 9.
2013-02-16 International Ukrainian Tournament Freestyle Seniors 60.0 RUS 29.
