Asharin, Roman (HUN) HUN
Date of birth: 1997-01-23

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
2020-02-14 European Championship Freestyle Seniors 70.0 HUN 9.
2019-10-28 World Championship Freestyle U23 65.0 HUN 7.
2019-08-02 Waclaw Ziolkowski Memorial Freestyle Seniors 70.0 HUN 9.
2019-05-23 RS - City of Sassari Tournament Freestyle Seniors 70.0 HUN 14.
2019-05-01 Ali Aliev Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 HUN 10.
2019-03-04 European Championship Freestyle U23 65.0 HUN 3.
2019-02-01 Henri Deglane Challenge Freestyle Seniors 65.0 HUN 12.
2018-11-12 World Championship Freestyle U23 65.0 HUN 5.
2018-10-20 World Championship Freestyle Seniors 65.0 HUN 17.
2018-09-07 RS - Waclaw Ziolkowski Memorial Freestyle Seniors 65,0 HUN 13.
2018-07-14 Grand Prix of Spain Freestyle Seniors 65.0 HUN 5.
2018-07-03 RS - G. Kartozia & V. Balavadze Price Freestyle Seniors 65.0 HUN 22.
2018-06-08 European Championship Freestyle U23 65.0 HUN 12.
2018-05-04 European Championship Freestyle Seniors 65.0 HUN 11.
2018-02-23 International Ukrainian Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 HUN 3.

Bienkowski, Krzysztof
Lee, Seung-Chul
Maksimov, Dzianis
Olenczyn, Patryk Krzysztof
Punia, Bajrang
Rahimzadeh, Ali
Sacultan, Maxim