Zilberman, Victor (CAN) CAN
Date of birth: 1947-03-28
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 77 kg
Club: Provincial team of Moldova
Coach: Sava Kioroglo
active since: 1960

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
1978-01-01 Commonwealth Games Freestyle Seniors 74.0 CAN 2.
1977-03-26 World Cup Freestyle Seniors 74.0 CAN 2.
1974-08-29 World Championship Freestyle Seniors 74.0 ISR 3.
1974-05-18 Grand Prix of Germany Freestyle Seniors 74.0 ISR 2.
1974-01-01 World Cup Freestyle Seniors Team URS 1.
1973-06-21 USSR Championship Freestyle Seniors 74.0 URS 3.
1973-03-30 European Championship Freestyle Seniors 74.0 URS 2.
1972-06-08 USSR Championship Freestyle Seniors 74.0 URS 1.
1970-04-15 USSR Championship Freestyle Seniors 74.0 URS 3.
1969-06-12 USSR Championship Freestyle Seniors 74.0 URS 3.
