World Championship
Female wrestling Juniors
2005-07-05 Vilnius (LTU)
51.0 kg
Kruhlenia, Irina (BLR) BLR
Round Red Blue Class. points Tech. points Time
3/4 Kruhlenia, Irina (BLR) Gilova, Olga (RUS) TO 0 : 5 (0:1) 3 : 300:51
R2 Kruhlenia, Irina (BLR) Mills, Joanna (GBR) TO 5 : 0 (1:0) 6 : 001:15
2 Suzuki, Nanae (JPN) Kruhlenia, Irina (BLR) TO 5 : 0 (1:1) 5 : 303:25