Turgunbayev, Yerkebala (KAZ) KAZ
Date of birth: 1983-11-13
Height: 160 cm

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
2010-07-16 Golden Grand Prix Freestyle Seniors 55.0 KAZ 12.
2009-03-07 World Cup Freestyle Seniors 55.0 KAZ 12.
2006-12-13 Asian Games Freestyle Seniors 55.0 KAZ 12.
2006-07-14 Grand Prix of Germany Freestyle Seniors 55.0 KAZ 3.
2006-04-04 Asian Championship Freestyle Seniors 55.0 KAZ 5.
2002-06-19 Asian Championship Freestyle Juniors 50.0 KAZ 3.
2001-07-04 Asian Championship Freestyle Cadets 50.0 KAZ 2.

Dadashi, Taghi