Kim, Seungjun (KOR) KOR
Date of birth: 1994-09-12
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 102 kg
Club: Kyungsung University sports club;Busan
Coach: Kim Jeong Sub
Profession: student
active since: 2008

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
2024-06-06 Polyak Imre & Varga Janos Memorial Greco-Roman Seniors 97.0 KOR 10.
2024-04-19 Olympic Qualification Tournament Greco-Roman Seniors 97.0 KOR 1.
2023-09-16 World Championship Greco-Roman Seniors 97.0 KOR 35.
2023-07-13 Polyak Imre & Varga Janos Memorial Greco-Roman Seniors 97.0 KOR 10.
2021-04-13 Asian Championship Greco-Roman Seniors 97.0 KOR 2.
2019-02-23 RS - Grand Prix of Hungary Greco-Roman Seniors 97.0 KOR 15.
2019-02-09 RS - Grand Prix of Zagreb Greco-Roman Seniors 97.0 KOR 14.
2017-05-09 Asian Championship Greco-Roman Seniors 98.0 KOR 2.
2017-04-07 Dan Kolov - Nikola Petrov Tournament Greco-Roman Seniors 98.0 KOR 18.
2016-05-06 Olympic Qualification Tournament Greco-Roman Seniors 98.0 KOR 10.
2016-02-17 Asian Championship Greco-Roman Seniors 98.0 KOR 5.
2014-08-05 World Championship Greco-Roman Juniors 96.0 KOR 2.
2013-08-13 World Championship Greco-Roman Juniors 96.0 KOR 10.

Fridrikas, Romas
Gastl, Daniel
Toeroek, Zsolt