Biabani, Peiman Bioukagha (CAN) CAN
Date of birth: 1996-11-04

Date Competition Style Age Group Weight Class Country Rank
2024-07-05 Grand Prix of Spain Freestyle Seniors 65,0 CAN 2.
2024-02-21 Pan American Championship Freestyle Seniors 70.0 CAN 2.
2024-01-19 Grand Prix de France Henri Deglane Freestyle Seniors 65,0 CAN 3.
2023-06-15 Stepan Sargsyan Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65,0 IRI 3.
2019-08-07 G. Kartozia & V. Balavadze Price Freestyle Seniors 65.0 IRI 2.
2019-04-23 Asian Championship Freestyle Seniors 65.0 IRI 3.
2019-02-07 Takhti Cup Freestyle Seniors 65.0 IRI 5.
2018-12-02 Alrosa Cup Freestyle Seniors Team IRI 1.
2018-09-05 Dmitri Korkin Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 IRI 9.
2018-05-14 World Military Championship Freestyle Seniors 65.0 IRI 5.
2018-02-23 International Ukrainian Tournament Freestyle Seniors 65.0 IRI 18.
2017-03-03 International Ukrainian Tournament Freestyle Seniors 61.0 IRI 3.
2016-08-30 World Championship Freestyle Juniors 60.0 IRI 1.
2016-05-19 Beat the Streets Multiple Style Event Seniors JLL 60.0 IRI 2.
2016-01-29 Dan Kolov - Nikola Petrov Tournament Freestyle Seniors 61.0 IRI 1.
